
Does a STAY BACK Sticker Really Protect Truck Drivers?

Sticker Shock

You’ve probably seen the stickers when traveling behind dump trucks or other vehicles loaded with debris:

Can this possibly be true? Maybe we should all print up stickers absolving us from liability in every situation: WARNING! STAY BACK 200 FEET! I’M A TERRIBLE DRIVER!

Fortunately, Missouri law covers this exact scenario:

Section 307.010.  Loads which might become dislodged to be secured–Failure, penalty.

  1. All motor vehicles, and every trailer and semi-trailer operating upon the public highways of this State and carrying goods or material or farm products which may reasonably be expected to become dislodged and fall from the vehicle, trailer or semi-trailer as a result of wind pressure or air pressure and/or by the movement of the vehicle, trailer or semi-trailer shall have a protective cover or be sufficiently secured so that no portion of such goods or material can become dislodged and fall from the vehicle, trailer or semi-trailer while being transported or carried.
  2. Operation of a motor vehicle, trailer or semi-trailer in violation of this section shall be a class C misdemeanor, and any person convicted thereof shall be punished as provided by law.

Now this does not mean you shouldn’t give a truck full of debris a wide berth. Although the driver cannot avoid liability just by putting a sticker on his vehicle, it may be difficult to prove the debris came from the truck and, in any event, replacing your windshield and recovering the cost of doing so is going to be a major inconvenience. So stay back as far as possible, but be glad to know the law in the state of Missouri cannot be trumped by a yellow sticker. If you’ve been involved in a serious truck accident, contact Wendt Law Firm P.C. today!


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