
Elder Abuse – Know the Signs and When to Get Help

Elder Abuse on Better Call Saul

On a recent episode of the Breaking Bad prequel Better Call Saul, the man who would eventually become Saul Goodman is practicing what he calls “elder law” when he uncovers an extensive case of elder abuse. As attorney Jimmy McGill, he displays the same flair Saul has for promotion (“Need a will? Call McGill!”), but he also pursues justice on behalf of his elderly clients when he finds out they are being egregiously overcharged by their assisted living facility.

The corrupt lawyer of meth kingpin Walter White may not be the best example to follow when confronted with an ethical quandary, but in this case the show calls attention to a legitimate and serious issue. It is important to be on the lookout for signs of all kinds of elder abuse, including physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, abandonment, and neglect.

For cases of financial exploitation like the one in Better Call Saul, the National Center on Elder Abuse suggests a number of suspicious activities to watch out for, including:

  • changes in banking practices, such as unexplained withdrawals or additional names on a bank signature card;
  • sudden changes in a will or financial documents;
  • substandard care being provided or bills unpaid despite adequate financial resources;
  • transfer of assets to a family member or someone outside the family;
  • the provision of unnecessary services.

If you believe a loved one may be suffering financial exploitation or one of the many other forms of elder abuse, don’t call Saul – call one of our experienced Kansas City nursing home abuse attorneys at Wendt Law Firm P.C. The first consultation is free and we will only receive a fee in the event of a successful resolution of your case.


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