

What to Do After Being in an Accident With an Uninsured Driver

Under Missouri’s fault-based insurance law, the driver who is at fault for a car accident is the one who pays for related medical bills and property repairs. If you get into an accident with a driver who is uninsured or


Is Lane Splitting Legal in Missouri?

Lane splitting, also called lane filtering, is a hotly debated topic among state lawmakers, the motorcycle community and motor vehicle drivers. Lane splitting has become a point of contention due to disagreements on whether or not it is safe for


What Personal Property Can Be Seized in a Judgment in Kansas?

In a civil lawsuit such as a personal injury case, if the injured victim (plaintiff) receives a court-approved judgment, it becomes the defendant’s legal responsibility to pay the judgment. However, not every defendant or debtor pays the money owed right


What Information Do I Need to File a Medical Malpractice Claim?

Medical malpractice is arguably the most complicated type of claim in personal injury law. Many states make it difficult for injured victims (plaintiffs) to recover financial compensation from hospitals and health care providers out of a desire to discourage frivolous


How Long Are Judgments Good for in Kansas?

If you get into an accident, such as a car crash, and file a personal injury lawsuit to pursue financial compensation for your injuries and bills, you may receive a judgment award from the courts. This is a financial


What Type of Injuries Can Result From a Slip and Fall Accident?

One of the most common types of accidents in the U.S. each year is the slip and fall accident. According to the National Floor Safety Institute, slip and falls account for over one million visits to the emergency room


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