What Can I Do if I am The Victim of a Hit and Run Accident in Kansas City?

Being the victim of a hit and run accident can be a frightening and overwhelming experience. In Kansas City, hit and run accidents happen more frequently than most people realize. According to the Kansas Department of Transportation, over 1,500 hit and run accidents were reported in Kansas City in 2020 alone. As a victim, it’s important to know what steps to take to ensure your safety, collect information, and pursue legal options.

If you have been the victim of a hit and run accident in Kansas City, an experienced personal injury lawyer can help you understand your legal rights and pursue the compensation you deserve. Speak with a skilled Kansas City hit and run accident lawyer from Wendt Law to discuss your next steps following a hit and run accident by calling 816-542-6734 today.

Understanding Hit and Run Accidents in Kansas City

Definition of a Hit and Run Accident

A hit and run accident occurs when a driver involved in a collision leaves the accident scene without providing their contact and insurance information. This is not only illegal but also dangerous for the victim since they may need medical attention and financial compensation for any damage or injuries sustained from the accident. Hit and run accidents can happen to anyone, anywhere, and at any time. They can cause severe physical and emotional trauma to the victim and their loved ones.

Kansas City Hit and Run Accident Statistics

According to the Kansas Department of Transportation, hit and run accidents have been on the rise in recent years. In 2020, Kansas City experienced a total of 1,559 hit and run accidents. These accidents resulted in 499 injuries and 10 fatalities. The majority of these accidents involved pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorcyclists who are more vulnerable to injuries in a collision. The increase in hit and run accidents is a cause for concern for law enforcement agencies and the community as a whole.

Common Locations For Hit and Run Accidents in Kansas City

Hit and run accidents can happen anywhere, but there are specific areas in Kansas City where they are more likely to occur. 

  • High-traffic areas: Highways, intersections, and parking lots are common locations for hit and run accidents. 
  • Residential areas: Drivers may speed or drive recklessly in residential areas, putting pedestrians and other drivers at risk. Children playing in the streets or riding their bikes are particularly vulnerable to hit and run accidents in residential areas. It is crucial to be aware of your surroundings and to drive slowly in residential areas to avoid causing an accident.
  • Rural roads and highways: These accidents can be particularly dangerous since help may take longer to arrive, and injuries can be severe. It is essential to drive cautiously on rural roads and highways and to be aware of other drivers on the road.

Additionally, accidents may happen at night when visibility is poor or when drivers are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. 

Immediate Steps to Take After a Hit and Run Accident

Ensure Your Safety and Check For Injuries

The first priority after a hit and run accident is to ensure your safety and the safety of any passengers. Check for injuries and seek medical attention if necessary. Even if you feel fine, it’s still important to get checked out since some injuries may not be immediately apparent.

It’s also important to move your vehicle to a safe location if possible. If your car is blocking traffic, turn on your hazard lights and try to move it to the side of the road. This will help prevent further accidents or injuries.

Gather Information and Document the Scene

The next step is to gather as much information as possible about the accident. This includes taking pictures of the scene, noting any damages to your vehicle, and getting contact information from any witnesses. If possible, try to remember or write down the make and model of the other driver and vehicle as well as any details of the driver. The more information you have, the better your chances are of finding the responsible party.

If there are no witnesses, look for any nearby surveillance cameras that may have captured scene of the accident. You can also ask nearby businesses if they have any security footage that could help with the investigation.

Call the Police and File a Report

After you have ensured your safety and gathered information, the next step is to call the police and file a report. The police will investigate the accident and may be able to find the responsible party by examining surveillance footage or talking to witnesses. Filing a police report is also important if you plan on pursuing legal action or filing an insurance claim for property damage.

When speaking with the police, be sure to provide as much detail as possible about the accident. This includes the time and location of the accident, the direction you were traveling, and any other relevant information. The more information you can provide, the better the chances are of finding the responsible party.

Seek Medical Attention if Necessary

Even if you feel fine after the accident, it’s still important to seek medical attention if necessary. Some injuries may not be immediately apparent, and delaying medical treatment can worsen your condition or affect your legal case. Additionally, getting medical attention will provide documentation of any injuries sustained from the accident.

If you plan on filing an insurance claim, be sure to keep all medical records and bills related to the accident. This will help ensure that you receive proper compensation for any medical expenses incurred as a result of the hit and run crash.

Remember, hit and run accidents can be traumatic and stressful. It’s important to take care of yourself both physically and emotionally in the aftermath of an accident. Don’t hesitate to seek support from friends, family, or a mental health professional if needed.

Legal Options for Hit and Run Accident Victims in Kansas City

Understanding Kansas City’s Hit and Run Laws

In Kansas City, leaving the scene of an accident is a crime punishable by fines and imprisonment. This law is in place to ensure that drivers take responsibility for their actions and provide assistance to those who may be injured. Hit and run accidents can be devastating for victims, both physically and emotionally. Victims may feel helpless and overwhelmed, unsure of what steps to take next. It’s important to know that there are legal options available to you if you are the victim of a hit and run driver.

If the responsible party is found, they may face criminal charges as well as civil charges for damages and injuries sustained from the accident. The criminal charges can result in fines, imprisonment, or both. The civil charges can provide compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. It’s important to work with an experienced personal injury attorney to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve.

Filing a Claim With Your Insurance Company

If the responsible party is not found, you may still be able to recover damages from your own insurance company. Underinsured or uninsured motorist coverage can provide compensation for damages and injuries sustained in a hit and run accident. However, it’s important to understand the terms and limitations of your insurance policy. Some policies may have a cap on the amount of compensation you can receive, or may require that you meet certain criteria before you can file a claim.

Consulting with an experienced personal injury attorney can help you navigate the process and maximize your compensation.

It’s important to note that filing a claim with your insurance company may result in an increase in your premiums. However, this increase is often negligible compared to the financial burden of paying for medical bills and other expenses out of pocket. Your insurance company may also offer a no-fault policy, which means that they will cover your expenses regardless of who was at fault for the accident.

Pursuing a Personal Injury Lawsuit

If the responsible party is found, you may be able to pursue legal action to recover damages for any injuries or damages sustained from the accident. A personal injury lawsuit can hold the responsible party accountable and provide compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. However, pursuing a lawsuit can be a complicated and time-consuming process. It’s important to work with an experienced personal injury attorney to navigate the legal process and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

When pursuing a personal injury lawsuit, your attorney will gather evidence to support your case, including police reports, medical records, and witness statements. They will also negotiate with the responsible party’s insurance company to reach a settlement. If a settlement cannot be reached, your case may go to trial. Your attorney will represent you in court and argue your case before a judge or jury.

The legal process can be stressful and emotionally draining. With the help of an experienced personal injury attorney, you can focus on your recovery while they handle the legal details of accident claim.

Tips for preventing and avoiding hit and run accidents

Drive defensively and stay alert

The best way to avoid a hit and run accident is to stay vigilant and defensive while driving. Defensive driving means being aware of your surroundings and anticipating potential hazards. This means avoiding distractions such as texting or eating while driving, following traffic laws, and keeping a safe distance from other vehicles. It’s important to always be on the lookout for reckless drivers, especially at night or in inclement weather conditions. If you sense danger or notice an erratic or negligent driver, safely pull over and report the incident to the authorities.

Another way to stay alert while driving is to take frequent breaks. Long periods of driving can cause fatigue, which can impair your ability to react quickly to sudden changes on the road. Make sure to take breaks every few hours to rest and recharge.

Install a dashcam for evidence

A dashcam can provide valuable evidence in the event of a hit and run accident. A camera can capture the license plate number, make and model of the other vehicle, and any details of the driver. Additionally, a dashcam can discourage reckless driving and provide peace of mind while on the road.

When choosing a dashcam, look for one with high-quality video and audio recording capabilities. Some dashcams also come with features such as GPS tracking and automatic recording in the event of a collision.

Park in well-lit and populated areas

When parking your vehicle, choose a well-lit and populated area to reduce the risk of a hit and run accident. Avoid parking in isolated areas or areas with limited visibility. If possible, park near surveillance cameras or in a garage.

It’s also important to be aware of your surroundings when entering or exiting your vehicle. Look out for any suspicious activity or individuals and have your keys ready to quickly enter your car and lock the doors.

Speak With a Personal Injury Lawyer After a Hit and Run Accident

Being the victim of a hit and run car accident, can be a traumatic experience, but knowing what to do can make all the difference in ensuring your safety and pursuing legal action. Remember to gather information, file a police report, seek medical attention, and consult with an experienced personal injury attorney.

By enlisting the services of a skilled personal injury lawyer, you ensure that you have a dedicated legal professional in your corner, guiding you through the process, and fighting for your best interests. Contact Wendt Law to speak with an experienced hit and run accident lawyer today by calling 816-542-6734

Other Car Accident FAQs

What Should I Expect During a Car Accident Lawsuit in Kansas City, Including the Timeline and Process?

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Should I Hire A Lawyer After A Car Accident?

What Evidence Do I Need to Gather After a Car Accident in Kansas City to Support My Personal Injury Claim?

What Happens When an Insurance Claim is Made Against You?

What Should I Do If I Am Hit by an Uninsured or Underinsured Driver in Kansas City?

What Should I Do if I am Injured in a Car Accident?

What Should I do if I Caused a Car Accident and Don’t Have Car Insurance?

What Should I Do If the Insurance Company Denies My Car Accident Claim or Offers a Low Settlement Amount?

Who Determines Who Is at Fault in a Car Accident?

Who is Liable in a Car Accident?

Will a Hit and Run Claim Raise My Insurance?

Can I Sue If I Was Determined at Fault in a Car Accident?


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