
What Can I Expect During a Virtual Consultation With a Personal Injury Lawyer?

The novel COVID-19/coronavirus pandemic has changed the landscape of many things, including personal injury law. Services available in the past, such as in-person meetings, may no longer be possible. Instead, your personal injury lawyer in Kansas City may offer a virtual consultation as your initial meeting. Learn what to expect during your virtual consultation to make the most of it, as well as to plan ahead on what to prepare.

Plan for Your Meeting

Preparation is key for a successful virtual consultation with a personal injury lawyer. Coming to your meeting prepared, with relevant information and documents related to your accident and injury, can lead to a more fulfilling consultation. First, double-check the time and date of the meeting you arranged with the attorney. Then, download the correct program, app or videoconferencing technology in advance to give yourself time to work out any issues or bugs.

Next, create a list of questions to ask the attorney. This will help you remember what you wanted to ask and keep the conversation going during your consultation. Last but not least, obtain copies of important documents to show to the attorney. This includes copies of all relevant medical records, insurance policies, pay stubs, police reports, accident reports, photographs and videos. Obtaining these documents can make it easier to answer the attorney’s questions about your accident. The lawyer may ask you to send these documents over, as well.

Introduce Yourself

The virtual consultation serves many purposes; one is to get to know the lawyer and find out if you two are a good fit. When your virtual consultation begins, you will start by introducing yourself to the attorney. Give your name and contact information, if asked. Tell the attorney a little about yourself, such as what you do for work and where you live. Be yourself and don’t be nervous about the consultation. Remember, the personal injury lawyer is there to help you.

Describe Your Accident

The attorney will want to hear about your accident in your words. Briefly describe what happened and how your injury occurred. Include important details such as where you were when the accident happened, who else was involved and what you believe caused the accident. The attorney can use this information to start piecing together who may be legally responsible for causing your accident and injury. This will allow the attorney to determine whether you have a valid claim to damages.

Review Your Injuries

You and the attorney will go over the details of your physical and emotional injuries. Give the lawyer your official diagnosis and be prepared to go over your medical records. The lawyer may ask questions such as whether you’ve seen a doctor, what your official diagnosis and prognosis are, how much pain you are in right now, how the injury has impacted your life, and whether the injury took you out of work. Be honest with the attorney and do not leave out any details. The attorney will need to understand the type and severity of your injury to determine if the law firm is the right fit for your case.

Ask Questions

Once the personal injury lawyer understands the key facts of your case, you will have the chance to ask questions. Your questions will be confidential and protected under the attorney-client privilege. Feel free to ask anything that’s been on your mind, including whether you have a case and how much it might be worth. This portion of your virtual consultation serves to give you the answers you’ve been looking for, so you can have greater peace of mind during a difficult time. The answers you receive can also help you decide whether or not to hire the personal injury lawyer for your case.

Ready for your free virtual consultation in Kansas City? Contact Wendt Law Firm P.C. to schedule a meeting by phone, email or videoconference.


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